It’s been a month since I’ve seen the Thinker.   The time was spent luxuriating in thought and activity.   They became days of resurrecting my business, writing, and staying at home, where my fantasia of comfort welcomes me.  Above my bed, I hung an umbrella. A vintage peach faded Parasol. One day, while I was searching for a place to store my ribbons, I looked up and watched the light sprinkle through the Parasol.  So that is where I stored the ribbons. When I am in bed during an afternoon nap,  I see abstractions of figures:  dancers, faces,  gods, and gorillas.  The Thinker noticed the abstraction. I think he said, ” Wow, this is incredible. Do you see the legs? And there is the face.”  He took everything in and profited  from imagination.  He had a thousand virtues, that regrettably did not serve him.  dsc01740.jpgI don’t know why.  You know I want answers, that is why I write.


  1. Okay…” Breaking up is hard to do”…. But dump this schmuck already and understand that YOUR material is your genius NOT his inspiration!!! he wasn’t and isn’t…Moving on in YOUR mind is the questions and the answer…Leave him out of it all…He came…he went..YOU are better for it. he has no worthy residue here!!! Xoxoxoxox

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  2. There are no answers. Only questions. You forget that you know that already…


    On Tue Dec 02 19:53:13 CST 2014, ODYSSEY OF LOVE


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